"Discover Yourself Through Movement." - Erik Betts


To the official Erik Betts website. Throughout these pages you will find my exciting portfolio, including a complete BIOGRAPHY section, where I'll introduce you to Erik the Actor and the Man!

Take a look at some of my favorite pictures in the PHOTOS section. Visit some of my latest film roles in the RESUME section, listing my current and previous appearances. I also have a variety of DEMO clips of some of the work I have appeared in.

You will discover my deep passion for MOVEMENT, and my exciting ongoing evolution into a well rounded ACTOR in film and television.

My hope is that this site inspires you towards a wide variety of experiences, and remember that its NEVER TOO LATE to FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS... You just have to give yourself permission. You ARE worth it!

Due to his approach to film and action Erik Betts has had an opportunity to consult and train a wide variety of people from major Hollywood stars like Will Smith, to Senior Citizens (on how to fall safely), to Martial Artists, Gymnasts, Stunt People, Cheerleaders, Dancers, Ms. Fitness Competitors, to the kids next door.

Being a fan of kung fu theater, Betts took an immediate liking to the combination of acrobatics and martial arts. He reveled in the attitude by which it was delivered. Born in Boston, MA in a single family household where there wasn't a lot of money to spend on extra curricular activities, and not a wide variety of after school programs for children. Betts' mother, Betty Hurst of Naples, Fls., began investigating many martial arts schools and gymnastic facilities. She mapped out a plan where Erik would attend a free trial class. He dabbled in arts of every shape and size, traditional and untraditional, ancient and modern. These became the tools by which he used to create his own art form.

After 22 yrs in the making, Mr. Betts' style is "Hollywood Kung Fu", or HKF and he is the Grandmaster. HKF is a combination of fiction and reality intertwined, opening a new dimension in action films, or in simple terms, "film fighting". It's concept is to take what you already know, and apply it to what you don't so that you do. Thus, enabling you to approach anything with a strong sense of familiarity. Philosophically speaking, the essence of HKF is the art of constant motion through the projection of emotion.

Mr. Betts has now recently started a mobile gym called "Flip N Kick Acrobatic Centers". "Gymobile" and his newest, "HUMMOBILE 2000 S.M.G." or "Specialized Mobile Gym". It's a program where he teaches acrobatics combined with martial arts-film fighting, action-reactions, and much more to different martial art, dance, cheerleading and stunt facilities nationwide. Its unorthodox approach to martial arts and acrobatics makes it a unique and endless experience. Erik believes, we are forever experiencing, therefore we are always changing. HKF has no set forms or stances, or kicks and punches. It is formless and waits for its practitioner before taking mold.

Although not as well-publicized as the unfortunate injury that intruded and altered Christopher Reeve's life, Erik Betts recently recovered from his own nightmarish trek with death. On March 14, 1996, Erik "Panther" Betts broke his right hip and thigh while performing a simple fight scene during an actual taping of his series, "WMAC MASTERS" on FOX. This not so simple injury landed him in the hospital under 24 hr watch for two weeks due to heavy blood clotting. Apparently, a blood clot to the heart or lung through a vein or artery is lethal. Well, due to the size of Panther's blood clot he had an 85% chance of that happening. Five surgeries and now three years later Panther has died, but Erik through the power of God is back in the loop again, and gettin' betts(er) all the time!!!!



Erik Betts Web Design by Jade Tiger Productions