The five universal elements or "Wu Xing" brought up in Asian alchemy, Eastern philosophy, the I-Ching, as well as many tales of Taoist folklore, consist of Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, and Metal. Unlike the Western "elements," they do not include Air. These elements comprise the presumed essence of known matter. They can poetically be described as follows: The element of Earth ranges from soil to mountains. The element of Fire ranges from sparks to lava. The element of Water ranges from rain to the sea. The element of Wood ranges from grass to the tallest oak. And the element of Metal ranges from lead to gold. Like the theory of "humors" in Western alchemy, the elements also comprise personalities and psychological states, and can be associated with the astrological signs as well.

Taoist mysticism is a strange and curious thing. There are many accounts in Asian legends about the powers of Tao magic. Taoism is an Eastern religious philosophy embodied in the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. However, many claim that there is much more to Taoism than just a spiritual path. Tao Magic is not at all like witchcraft, black magic, Wicca, Satanism, or Voodoo. It is a practice of using your internal mastery over the external forces. For most who practice it, it is thought of as a way to extend your health and longevity.

In the case of the Jadecats, Tao Magic manifests as a command over the five elements. Each of the Jadecats has mastery of one of the five elements. The Jadecats can use this power in limited ways, usually in self-defense or constructive aid. Using this power, however, requires deep concentration and often leaves them fatigued. They're also acutely aware of abusing their power over nature. Because of these conditions, the Jadecats rarely use their magic and only in the direst of circumstances. Let's explore each of their Tao Powers...

BOULDER has power over the element of Earth. As an offensive attack, he manifests his power in the form of a seismic wave. He usually uses his hammer to strike the ground in order to focus the wave in a particular direction. However, he can also punch the ground and make a trembler radiate around him. Other ways in which he's used his powers include cracking rocks apart to free people trapped in avalanches, or turning a hard stone weak in order to break through the walls of man-made structures. Although he hasn't mastered it yet, he believes one day he could move mountains with enough concentration.
BLAZE has power over the element of Fire. As an offensive attack, Blaze can breathe a jet of flame. He can also increase or decrease the intensity of already existing flames. However, he hasn't been able to cause items to spontaneously combust, but then all the Jadecats still have much to learn about their abilities.
SPLASH has power over the element of Water. As an offensive attack, he can create a small tsunami that can topple ships or crash into shore. He can also cause existing water to shoot up like a jet stream. He has not been able to create water from air, though, or control weather. But who knows the true extent of his power.
WOODIE has power over the element of Wood. Used offensively, he can cause wood to splinter, wooden weapons or shields to break, or nearby plants to entangle foes. He can also change the shape of wood, such as warping spears or splitting wooden doors. He can not create wood out of thin air, but he can accelerate the growth of sapling plants. He is also the architect of the Guan, allowing its construction to come right from the tree itself.
SABER has power over the element of Metal—or at least he should. Poor Saber has yet to be able to manifest his Tao Power. No one can figure out why. He's trying to overcome his "handicap" in the worst way and is often teased about it. Although his Tao Power still remains a mystery, it quite possibly could be the most powerful of them all.
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