The following are some of our featured designs available on products in the tribal store. Comedy and art can do a lot to raise awareness on a topic. Click on any design to be taken directly to the store page.

Due to greenhouse gases, the planet is warming at an incredible rate. This is melting ice-caps, which raise sea levels. The warming also evaporates our oceans more quickly than normal causing greater moisture content in the air. That's how global warming is linked to blizzards, for example. While humans continue to ignore the problem, there is one who is not... Mother Earth. As she gets "pissed" the rate and intensity of hurricanes, tornados, floods, droughts, whiteouts and wildfires will increase many fold. In the years to come, she will become a very angry planet unless we can take steps to reverse the damage. The environmental movement is growing in strength and numbers. Pretty soon conservative news media will no longer be able to deny it. The overwhelming global conscience will eventually prevail. When the minority becomes the mainstream and the naysayers shrivel away, we will have won a great battle to save the Earth. This is known as Green Power. But Green Power only prevails through unity. There is power in numbers. By becoming involved in the green movement, you are joining millions of people around the world who are taking action where their government is not.
The legend of Groundhog Day says that the groundhog will come out of his hole after a long winter and look for his shadow. If he sees his shadow he will get scared and run back into his hole for six more weeks. It seems that if there is sun out, it means more winter is in store and if it is overcast, spring is on the way. It's a strange theory but one that may be based in scientific fact. Global warming's greatest symptom is higher moisture content in the air. That means that although the winters will be harsher due to the moisture content, they will also end sooner due to the warming. Spring will start to come earlier each year. The idea behind the cartoon above is that we all know this and the groundhog knows that we know this and we aren't doing anything about it. The greatest challenge to the environmental movement is the skeptic. Although the evidence is overwhelming and scientists from all over the globe have contributed to the mounting evidence, it seems that all it takes is a few bad apples to cast everyone into doubt. These skeptics are either afraid of change or in bed with the oil companies who fear being blamed for the greenhouse gas crisis. They spend millions of dollars a year on propaganda that casts dispersions on the validity on the data. Why so many scientists can show evidence for global warming and only a few can slow the solution is a phenomenon of magnificent proportions. These skeptics and others who believe the extreme weather of the last decade is "normal" might as well bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich.
Although oil and coal emissions are the major contributors to global warming, there are actually a few other contributors. One of these is cattle farming. Cattle are particularly gassy creatures. If cows were only raised for their milk, we would have only a small percentage of the cattle we have today. Instead cattle are also raised for beef, leather, even rodeo riding. As a result, we have far more cattle in the world than was environmentally intended. Cows produce methane, a major greenhouse gas. The massive increase in the cattle population actually makes methane a dangerous contributor to global warming. Cows have a relatively short life due to mankind. Perhaps their revenge for the suffering they endure is to contribute to greenhouse gases. Not all environmental crises involve humans. We are all part of a symbiotic food chain. One of nature's creatures that seems to be suffering an ill fate is the honeybee. Although annoying around a picnic, honeybees actually fertilize many of the fruits and vegetables we eat every day. Without the honeybees, many types of fruits and vegetables cannot reproduce. That means that if all the world's honeybees die, we could go into global starvation. See how we all work together? However, the honeybees are dying off. No has yet pinpointed the exact cause, but you can bet your bottom dollar that man has a hand in it. The honeybees are our free day laborers and this is how we treat them. You never know, maybe their demise is a result of global warming too.
The greatest hope for mankind is to take action before it's too late. It's not too late to save ourselves, but time is rapidly running out. Scientists predict that if we don't start reversing some of the environmental contaminants by 2010, we could reach a "tipping point" where it may be too late to reverse the problem. After that point of no return, all we can do is chase behind the symptoms. The symptoms are too long to list... The polar bear isn't the only creature to suffer a drastic reduction in its natural habitat. But unlike birds who can migrate south, the polar bear is often seen drowning trying to find stable ice sheets on which to make its home. The polar glaciers are melting at an alarming rate. Soon these beautiful creatures will go extinct Why? Due to global warming caused by man's greed and incompetence. Help raise awareness for the dying polar bear.
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