Why do you call it a tribe?
The word "tribe" has a certain grassroots flavor to it (no pun intended). It's different from words such as association, foundation, etc. We are very grassroots at the moment and hope to stay that way, at least for the time being. We consider ourselves like the aspen tree that creates a vast underground network. In fact, collective aspens groves are said to be the largest living organisms on earth.
Why do you call your products implements? What about something more hip and trendy like gear? Yeah, gear! Now that's cool.
Good question. Our products are called implements because, at their core, that's what they are. Check out the dictionary definition of "implements" here. Every definition listed represents what our products are. More so than mere material possessions, they are implements of awareness! They serve a higher purpose than just to be hip and trendy, although thank you for the association. If you want "cool" then think of our implements as short for "impish-elements" instead. The word impish means "annoyingly playful" and the word element means "a component of nature." That's basically what our products are, "annoyingly playful components of nature." And hopefully in their provocations, they will raise awareness of nature and man's role in conserving it. Environmentalism can be a controversial topic. Why not let its controversialism take a productive stance?
Are you guys like eco-terrorists or something?
Of course not. Eco-terrorists have their way of doing things. We have ours. Our goal is simply to raise the awareness of environmental issues so the citizens of the world can make more informed choices. I believe it was Thomas Jefferson that said, "An informed citizenry is the only true repository of the public will. The People cannot be safe without information."
Can I submit an idea to you? How about other suggestions?
If you would like to submit questions, suggestions, or contributions, please visit our contact page and select the relevant topic from the drop-down menu. If appropriate, we will reply to you within 2-3 business days. We welcome all feedback.
It seems like your products are mostly for men?
The example t-shirts on display use the frame of a man. However, our implements certainly don't cater to one gender over another. Within the store selection itself, you will see sizes for women as well. Environmental concerns are not about gender, race, age, sexual orientation or even political persuasion. They are problems all humans face. We must work together to find solutions.
Are you able to make custom t-shirts?
If you have an idea for an implement and are willing to make it available to the public, we would be more than happy to accommodate any ideas you have.
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