We welcome all help in our efforts to bring awareness and responsibility to environmental issues. If you have the means and wherewithal, we would greatly appreciate any donations or support you can offer.


If you would like to make a direct donation to the Raise the Green Tribe, please contact us directly. Our nonprofit status is still pending, so we can't offer tax deductions as of yet. But as soon as the bureaucracy unfolds, we'll be eligible for 501(c)3 status. In the meantime, we welcome all donations to further our cause.


There are several other ways you can support us if you don't have the means to make a financial contribution. If you are an artist or wordsmith and would like to donate an implement design, please visit our contact page and submit a contribution idea. Or if you have any other ideas on how you can provide aid to our cause, don't hesitate to contact us and give us your information.